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Case Study Bering Tour: to develop a reservation system with secure payment online

Case Study Bering Tour: web development with secure payment online

Bering Tour is a tourism agency that organizes boat trips on the Tagus River. Its new website was developed from scratch by Grow Under, which implemented a Reservation System with secure online payment.

Find out all about the web development process of the new Bering Tour website - The project was based on the Joomla platform, it is equipped with multilingual functionalities and with security mechanisms in a robust and qualified solution to grow with the company's future.

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What is Bering Tour

Bering Tour is a tourism agency that offers boat trips on the Tagus River, with routes that pass through the most charismatic monuments of Lisbon. In addition, it offers onboard experiences, namely to allow you to enjoy the sunset or an overnight trip, to do sport fishing or to see dolphins. It also offers Taxi Boat services.

The project to develop a new website met the company's growth and the need to provide a more agile service to its customers, making information available in a more accessible and more immediate way.

Development of a multilingual website Bering Tour Sistema de reservas

The project required the website development from scratch, from the design and information architecture components to the content. With a multidisciplinary team, Grow Under took on the challenge, designing the site from a blank sheet, following the guidelines and needs of the client.

One of the fundamental points of the web development project was the implementation of a Reservation System that would allow Bering Tour to make its customers a more agile and immediate management and to better plan its activities. Likewise, it was intended to facilitate the customer´s access, with a direct Booking System, with no commissions involved and just a click away.

Thus, we implemented a Booking System for Bering Tour that allows customers, after researching all the information they need, to schedule an experience or tour in a single session, without wasting time on phone calls or travels. T his is the ideal way to plan a tourist journey.

The facilitation of this process ends up compensating, in the medium and short term, with the increase in reserves through the simplification of procedures.

Online secure payment system

The process of developing this Reservation System went through the implementation of Secure Payment mechanisms. Currently, this is an essential point to protect the integrity and reputation of any website, as well as to preserve customer data. A point that was further reinforced by the entry into force of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).BeringTour Pagamento seguro

One of the criteria that is fundamental to reinforce the security of a website is the use of an SSL Certificate (Secure Socket Layer) that allows to protect and encrypt shared confidential data. Encryption ensures that user data, namely passwords and credit card information, is not intercepted by hackers - it is a kind of lock.

The SSL Certificate also allows you to avoid phishing, a technique that uses SPAM messages and fake websites to "steal" data.

On the other hand, having a secure website is essential to improve the criteria of SEO (Search Engine Optimization), being a factor highlighted by Google.

In addition to the competitive advantage, it is also an essential requirement under the GDPR, allowing compliance with the new data protection law.

Original Content

As a site dedicated to tourism, it is mandatory that it be multilingual, something that is properly prepared. The Joomla Content Management platform, on which the Bering Tour website is based, enables adaptation to other languages in a simple and quick procedure. At this stage, only the insertion of new content in English is missing.

As for the contents in portuguese, they were written from scratch, following the client's instructions and respecting the SEO principles, in a creative and appealing line, to attract the readers' attention.

The Joomla platform allows easy management and future editing of the website, as well as the possibility to stagger the project, to keep up with the potential future growth of the company.