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Website Development

Creating custom websites based on unique designs and templates, simple backoffices and engaging content will add value to your business, boost sales, reach new customers or represent your brand in the digital world.

Launch your idea, develop the project, create an online presence

desenvolvimento de site

Do you need a website?

At Grow Under website development is based on your needs, goals and ambitions. Our websites are mostly developed in Joomla! (know why here), having all a backoffice so you can conveniently modify the content, images and layout whenever you need. We use responsive design - all of our sites fit the various screen sizes of different devices such as smartphones, tablets and laptops.

lançamento de site em joomla em vários dispositivos


We initially hold a meeting where we ask the customer to tell us the story he wants to see represented on its website and which are the goals to achieve, whether they are e-commerce, lead generation (prospects), content creation or branding. We want website development to be a free process of predefined templates and models, and that our customers feel confident to create their website with us, regardless of the type of category it falls into:

icon sites para instituições
icon sites pessoais
icon sites lojas online
icon sites para empresas

This is a crucial step in the development of the project because this is where we define the target we aim to achieve. After defining the target, we draw the map, which means that we design the website structure in terms of categories, articles, modules and menus that best fit the information we want to convey - what we call sitemap.

Then comes the web design department that outlines a style guide. After customer approval, we began the creative process of designing the website pages and their desktop construction and design incorporation. Finally, we migrate the website to the destination server and finish checking all website functionality, including email verification, to ensure everything works as intended.


Grafico WebsiteDevelopment

Quality Assurance

We also guarantee the complete functioning of the website and its maintenance at server level for a period of one year after delivery.

The sequence of these actions leads us to the construction of professional, modern and functional websites. And, most importantly, to the satisfaction of our customers!

Damos garantia de qualidade

Ready to get started?

Ask us for a detailed quote of what you need or take a look at our pricing to get an idea of how much it might cost you to provide our services.


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We are a remotely-focused company that dedicates on and specializes in website consulting and administration.


(call to national mobile network)
Av Republica 6-1 Esq
1050-191 Lisbon