Restructuring Joomla at ISCAL's new website (case study)
Find out the challenges and the results of the ISCAL´s - Lisbon Higher Institute of Accounting and Administration new website whose development has gone by restructuring Joomla.
ISCAL´s - Lisbon Higher Institute of Accounting and Administration new website - https://www.iscal.ipl.pt/pt/ - was developed by Grow Under. A demanding challenge given the project´s complexity that has gone by restructuring Joomla e and that culminated in the achievement of the objectives set.
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Public Institute for Reference
ISCAL - Lisbon Higher Institute of Accounting and Administration is an institution of Public Higher Education that is part of the Polytechnic Institute of Lisbon (IPL in the original acronym in Portuguese).
It is a reference entity in the area of business sciences, being recognized as one of the "best Portuguese higher education institutions" in this area due to the excellence training that it teaches.
At ISCAL, there are degrees in Business and International Business, in Accounting and Administration, in Corporate Finance, in Management and in Solicitor's Office, focusing on labour market needs, and with a high placement rate of trained students.
Restructuring Joomla with exclusive design
The development of ISCAL's new website proved to be a very demanding challenge given the large volume of data at stake as a result of the outstanding dimension of the educational institution.
However Grow Under is used to great complexity projects , and once it also has a large experience with Joomla platform, the mission was successfully accomplished.
It was necessary to reorganize the all content of the website, with the development of more than a thousand pages in order to host the immensity of contents of an entity that was founded in 1759, and that, therefore, has a long history.
The realization of the project also passed through Joomla´s restructuring, once the platform had been filled with "patches" and, therefore, didn´t allowed to use the full potential of its many virtues. The reformulation aimed to ensure that ISCAL would have the opportunity to enjoy all these advantages.
Visually, we´ve created a unique and exclusive design, planned from scratch to meet the needs of ISCAL. Grow Under’s projects are always tailor-made for the customer in order to solve problems, and to present the most efficient solutions for each case. In this field, we highlight the creation of menus with colour gradients in a scheme designed specifically for ISCAL´s website in order to achieve a more appealing result.
Easier to access website and more intuitive
The website was configured to be mobile - as it is mandatory in the days when mobile devices take over the world of the Internet. This feature really appeals to ISCAL´s students, once they have easier access to the Institute´s information in any place, through their mobile phones.
Globally, the reactions of the academic community to the new website were positive. The web page has gained a new life with a more intuitive design, and with a restructuring that makes it easier to find the information you want.
The website has multilingual features that constitute a source tool in Joomla, which facilitates its implementation. The contents can be accessed in Portuguese and in English, and very soon they will also be available in Spanish.
ISCAL´s new website is easy to manage and very functional thanks to Joomla that hosts big volumes of content. This circumstance attests that Joomla is a good solution as a Content Management System for Universities, Associations and Schools web pages.