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IMO Selective website

IMO Selective website (evolve as the business grows)

Grow Under developed the website of IMO Selective in another step of this real estate company in its sustained growth towards the future.

The newly debuted IMO Selective website - -, a company dedicated to the advisory, evaluation and promotion of real estate, has undergone through the hands of the qualified professionals of Grow Under.

This company web page has been created from scratch, made to the measure of the client, within a concept of "clean" and airy web design, without distractions, and without complications, that will provide users quick and easy access to all content.

The project is a perfect example of how to evolve, towards the future, as the business grows.


Do you need a professional and striking Web Design? We can help.


Advisory on buying and selling real estate

IMO Selective is a company dedicated to the provision of legal services, namely in the context of real estate purchase and sale agreements, and also to the granting support in the financing process for real estate acquisitions.

Also provides services of Energetic Certification, and Property Evaluation, and still dedicates itself to real estate development.


The challenge

Given the company's sustained growth in the real estate market and the fact that didn't have a web presence, IMO Selective contacted Grow Under in order to create its own website.

Nowadays, there is a broad slice of the population that always runs to Google as soon as any kind of information is needed. This kind of behaviour arises in particular, in the context of the real estate offer search.

On the other hand, Internet is today the main "face" of large enterprises, functioning as a mirror of its competence and of what they have to offer to potential customers.

Having an own website is also a privileged way to promote the approach between a company and its customers.

It was in this frame of work that Grow Under have worked with IMO Selective developing a website to place the company in the Internet storefront and, therefore, that would promote the realization of more business.  


Responsive website in WordPress (without complications)

Grow Under’s team of professionals who took on this challenge created a responsive website in WordPress. This Content Management System (CMS) was chosen due to its use and update easiness in terms of administration, and also, because it is quite flexible and customizable in terms of programming and design.

As a responsive website, it adapts to all kinds of devices, from computers to tablets, without forgetting smartphones which are increasingly used for Internet access.

Data from ANACOM (the Portuguese National Communications Authority) show for the last three months of 2016, an increase of over 14.4% for Internet users on mobile phone, compared to the same period in 2015.

In the report released at the end of 2016, this entity also reveals that there are 6,3 millions of actual users of mobile broadband services, which represents an increase of 10,5% compared to 2015.

In light of this numbers and the inevitable reality, the website has to be responsive, therefore, accessible anywhere, from the beach to the mountain, from the restaurant to the promenade.

We kept the clients preference for a website with a clean and easy to use web design, lacking disturbing or confusing "noises", focusing the concept in a fresh and airy appearance.

IMO Selective’s corporate communication only gains with this new website which, with clear and concise content, and of quick reach, mirrors its competence, and without complications.